Congratulations! You are two minutes away from registering to the LUMES Alumni Conference 2017!
The registration is a two step process (please read to the end of this page before you start the registration):
- Register here no later than April 13, 2017 DEADLINE EXTENDED to APRIL 23
- Pay the conference fee here. The conference fee is 600 SEK for alumni and 400 SEK for current (batch 19 and 20) students. To pay the fee you have to go here and select "LUMES alumni conference 2017" under Event and state your name (first name, last name) in the "Remittance information" box. Please note that your registration is not considered complete until the conference fee has been paid. Deadline for payment is April 13. All fikas and snacks, lunch on Thursday, and the conference dinner and party on Friday night are included in the conference fee. The conference fee is not refundable after April 13. If you do not want to pay the conference fee now, please save the link and complete your payment no later than April 13.
If you are having a problem with the registration, please email Amanda (amanda [dot] elgh [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (amanda[dot]elgh[at]lucsus[dot]lu[dot]se)).
We are looking forward to seeing you in May!
Missed the deadline to register? Please send us an email at amanda [dot] elgh [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (amanda[dot]elgh[at]lucsus[dot]lu[dot]se).