4th Semester
MESM02 Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science: Master's Thesis
During the fourth term of the LUMES programme the student is required to write and successfully defend a Master's thesis of 30 university credits.
The thesis should be a synthesis and further development of the knowledge and competences gained during the three terms of course work in LUMES on top of undergraduate studies. The thesis work should develop the student’s potential for professional sustainability work and/or for further research.
The process puts great demands on the capacity to work independently. The thesis work should increase the student's ability to seek, evaluate, integrate, and produce knowledge. In addition, it should foster the skill to handle complex issues, phenomena, and situations. In substance, the thesis should focus on a local, national, regional, global, or multiscalar sustainability challenge or problem, and analyse it in relation to dimensions of sustainability.
For guidance, every student has access to a qualified individual supervisor and a supervision group of students. The student will defend the thesis in a dialogue with an opponent at a final public seminar, at the end of the course.
Literature list, established 2019-11-21 PDF (693 kB)
How has the LUMES programme met your expectations?
It did way beyond. I feel like a completely other person. For human interactions, content of the learning but also way of teaching. I love the way of interacting with teachers, the feeling that what we say is being heard, and the deep sense of community that developed among us.
Student, Batch 22
MESM02 Syllabus
PDF (224 kB)
MESM02 kursplan
PDF (270 kB)
LUMES theses
In LUP Student Papers you find LUMES masters theses from 2012 until now.